Monday, April 28, 2008

have you ever?

have you ever felt like you REALLY screwed something up, and don't know how to fix it.
then you know what i'm talking about. 

i need a solution, but i don't know who i should talk to. or if i should even say anything more than i think i messed up. why is everything so complicated? 

there are things that should be SO MUCH EASIER and yet they're SO DIFFICULT!

it's not fair i tell you. let it be known.

today was pretty 360.

it was 3 of my friend's birthdays. as well as adolf hilter's anniversary of his birthday what would have been... ;) pushing a history lesson in there...

so i brought my blueee guitar to school, and me and tina sang Brenda a birthday song we wrote yesterday, for like 3 hours.

it was fun... then before class started i took a walk from their science class to my math class playing guitar all the way. like half the school saw and stared. it was pretty funny. 

mmmmm, yeah and after school audrey, me, and my history teacher gave zach and derek a birthday party. that was a lot of fun. 

mmmmm. i dont think i've said anything about this yet, but I've picked up a new sport.

it's called ultimate frisbee, it's totally my all time favorite. :]

ehhhh till later,

Laura <3.

ps. right now i'm procrastinating on my speech for english. =b erugh! 

Friday, April 25, 2008

Run, run like you do.

sooooo. i have ZERO time anymore.

that's what i get for joining tech crew.
on the plus side, IT'S AMAZING!

i've kinda been extremely busy forever, still am, so i haven't been much up to speed with writing.

here's a few updates.

1. I'm work tech crew at my school's production of Into The Woods. :)
it's mucholy fun, yes, i invented a new word for it.

2. I've picked up a new sport, thanks to the play. it's called Ultimate Frisbee. it is by far probably the best and most fun sport i've ever played. I'm getting a lot better, and tomorrow i shall buy a new frisbee.

3. every single bone/muscle/etc is sore. so much up and downs, I'm up in the cat walk the entire time, and we have to go up a ladder. so that gets tiring. plus you run, a hella lot, yes i just said hella, during Ultimate Frisbee. 

4. did you know that i'm the only girl who plays against roughly 15 guys usual. 

mmmmmm it's late and i cant really think of much else. :b.

sorry about that.

as it comes to me, i'll write more.. possibly, if i end up with more time.

tah tah for NOW! <3


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

ayyy lets update.

jade/jasmine on friday/saturday.
famous 4 something concert friday.
mary's house friday-sunday.
my house+mary sunday-sunday[a week.]
mary's chickens.


what a weekend,

and that's not even, HALF of it. =]

out till later.
- elles<33.



Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Happy, Fools.

it's the start of a new month.
next week will be a start of a new semester.
and that means, i should try to start getting my grades up, to A's.
=b let's hope so.

yesterday was awesome.

Shooting For The Stars! Promotions [also known as Marychristine, Laura Jean, and Mariah Shoshannah.] had an interview with Ryan Narciso [] [] yeterday, and it was tons of fun.

today, i'll hopefully get more sleep...

yesterday i got 3 hours of sleep.
today i got 5.

i'm thinking about taking a nap after ellen and trl.

it's 3:30, peave.