Friday, December 28, 2007


Today was fantastic.

Famous For Something went to the recording studio, and we recorded three songs.

- So Real.
- Game Called Love.
- Please Be Mine.

It was amazing.

And it was my first time in a studio ♥

check the myspace soon, I'll tell you when they're up.


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A sleigh and eight tiny reindeer.

And A whole lot of presents and family.

that's the holidays, right?

hah, Merry Christmahaunkaquanzaramadon ;)

So far my presents include; Clothes, ED HARDY SHOES! Clothes, Jonas Brothers Life Story, Clothes, Another Jonas Magazine, Clothes, a hippopatomaus [spell check that one.], Clothes, Candy&Lotion&Shampoo&Conditioner, and oh right, CLOTHES. :b

hahaha, no guitar case, yet.

I'll tell you if I do though.

Oh and I got a good 50 people wish me "Merry Christmas" :)

cool stuff ♥

I had to clean out my inbox on txting like twice.

hah, please feel free to mail me any presents ;)

I like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, CD's, Ed Hardy, Money, Gas for cars, etc. :]

♥ Hope your day's holly and jolly.

-- edit.

So after all family gifting I got condition and shampoo & clothes & clothes & more clothes, and a sucker, and.....


thanks goodness for small favors.

I needed one, x 9548302483294. :]

Laura Jean <3.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Cool Dude, Cool.

Yeterday. Was. Amazing.
except for my tests.
those can go away, but I don't think
I did that terrible on them so then again ;)

mmmmhmm, so I went caroling with the choir,
and I hung out with my friends Joe, and his
brother Tyler the entire time.

it was full of songs, walking, and wet, cold snow.

but I had a greattttttt time!

also, yesterday was the END of school till the third,
so I'm pretty much HOME FREE! :)

today was.. wow.

I woke up at 9am.
ew, let me correct that, I was fiercely woken up at nine.

now realize, I was on the phone till almost 1 in the morning.

hah, fun....

then I had to wait a few hours for my mom to get her hair done.
then I got mine done [and it's nice, highlighted/trimmed.].
then we went to my OLD house, and no one had shoveled the
driveway, and we got stuck for a good 30-40 minutes. :b.

then i went home.

now I'm tired.

and waiting for Mary to call.


my countdowns. [hahah i'm so hypercratical.]

Christmas: 4 days. F4S: 5 days. New Years Eve Party: 10 days.

PONED. I'm excited.

-Laura Jean


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Today's been an amazing day...

Today has been pretty much like the best day.
The only down side has been homework, and having
to wake up at six, when i fell asleep at one am.


& I've just had a good day.


Sunday, December 16, 2007

It's beggining to look a lot like christmas!



no school tomorrowed.



-Laura Jean

Seven inches, and It's not stopping there...

The snow is pounding down,
hah, it's suppose to get up to 11 inches I hear.

you know what that means?


please?! :b

if I don't I'll tell you how sucky Michigan really is.

Cause we're so lame we can't have snow days.

aside from this,
I love my friend Kayla so much.

she met mitchel musso the other day.

he loves saying my name 94829842 times.


kkkk, peace out.


Friday, December 14, 2007

Same Old Story.

Heh, I've decided I'm gunna start writing again.
I'll tell you what site it's on, If I decide to
put it up/have it go anywhere. I like the beginning.
It's pretty good. It sounds cool. :)

Today was kinda sad. My History's teacher's finacé died
of cancer, so our test is postponed until futher notice.

Good for the test not having to be taken because I haven't
studied one bit, and I dont intend to for a while hah,
bad for my teacher, cause yah know, it sucks. :[

I feel bad for him, It's got to be hard. <3.

Brightside;; IT'S THE WEEKEND.

no school for dos days.

then four more days and I'M HOME FREEEEEEEEEEEE!
[for vacaa.]

ehh, anything new/interesting I'll post.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Today -- It wasn't as bad at I thought I would be.

And I found out some amazing news that If everything works

out I'll tell your more about after Saturday. ;)

sorry, I don't wanna loose any chances. ♥

As for school.

Ick. I had a test EVERY DAY this week. And I'm

sure, I prolly have one tomorrow, and I def have

one friday, in guitar. YES GUITAR CLASS! ;]

So I'm starting a countdown.

I rarely have countdowns.

I don't countdown for concerts, For my birthday, for NOTHING.

This countdown is cool though.


1+1+1+1+1+1= 6 MORE DAYS TILL VACA! :)

pumped much?! I think yes.

mmm, I have nothing else interesting to say...

Till then,


Friday, December 7, 2007


Yesterday was a pretty cool night.
I went to the mall, caught up with
some of my friends I hadn't seen
since November 26th, 2006, and met
someone reallyyyyyy cool.

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

[ignore the crappyness of RAZR phone picture taking skills.]

she goes by the name of Amanda Bynes.

isn't she beautiful?! :)

We'll she's even more pretty in person,
and she's extremely nice.

Also I learned a few things when I met her.

I didn't know her middle name was Laura,
like my first name ;-)

She likes my shirt, maybe it has something
to do with it was from the Dear Clothing line,
that she made, but hey, it's a compliement ;)

I also learned, that entorauges are weird :b
and they smile to much and are fake.

no pictures allowed says security,

but we make do.

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cool beans.

weekend time<3.

sweet, I can actually sleep in :O

peaceout, boyscout.

-Laura Jean

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Today was the hardest day..

In a long time for me to get up and get moving.
Today, the sweetest boys in the world are in my
state, about 30 minutes away, and I can't see them.
Today, The Jonas Bros are in Michigan.

It's hard for me.

Really, really, hard for me to accept I won't be seeing them.

It's also hard for me to believe that last year,
I would have been able to have gotten front row,
and gotten backstage, all for 5 dollars.

Take a breath.

Easier said than done.

Second hour, Third hour, and lunch I was in tears.

I miss those boys more than you know.

Now I have to finish living out the rest of the day....


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The First In Five Days..

Today was the first in five days I actually went to school.

He he he he, It's not what it looks like, I know what your thinking,


well that's exactly what is incorrect.

see, Thursday & Friday I was sick, as you may have seen from my

past posts. Saturday & Sunday, as most people know, is the weekend,

Monday, We had a vacation 'cause Progress Reports are going out! :b

Which equals Five days of non-school-attendance.

So today I had to wake up at six am [wait, I woke up at six am on the

weekends to try and win radio contests.. btw; advice, NEVER TRY TO WIN THOSE!]

and pretty much died from 4 hours of sleep.

and i find out a have a project due in 1 hour [five pm.]




oh goodness, remind me to NEVER miss school again.

or remind me to wait till I'm home schooled :b

ehhh, I need to figure out what to do with this whole project sit.


Sunday, December 2, 2007

"Caller 15, keep trying"

This is the reason I hate trying to win radio contests.
'cause your suppose to be number 25, and I've only gotten
15 and 17. :b
and it makes you wanna give up, but the knowledge that someone
else is winning when it should be you keeps you going.

"Every hour there's a winner!"

that's another one of those famous hooks that keeps you listening
...... till you win.

:/ It's harddddddd!

anyone wanna just take me to the concert so i dont have to die of only
getting five hours of sleep last night?!
